Friday, August 21, 2009

My wife is 8th week pregnant can she travel by flight duration 1 hour

My wife is 8th week pregnant can she travel by flight duration 1 hour?
We are planning to visit Niagara falls for that we planning to go buffalo NY by flight. As the flight,hotel and car i have booked very earlier before we came to know about the preganancy I am totally whether to drop the plan or not ... please help me in suggesting if is it safe to travel by flight....
Trying to Conceive - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Yes, that is completely safe.
2 :
Yes, it's perfectly safe to fly/travel at 8 weeks. (Unless her doctor has specifically told her otherwise, due to complications.) Have a nice trip.
3 :
yes, she can. The doctors usually say not to travel starting around 30 some week.
4 :
Oh for sure not a problem at all, just tell her to walk around before and after the flight for blood circulation reasons
5 :
your not supposed to fly during your 3rd shes fine
6 :
I flew a 2 1/2 hr flight at 12 weeks and I was fine. My doctor said it was fine too.
7 :
Your wife will be fine (unless she is a high risk pregnancy). I think the cutoff is 6-7 months pregnant. So you can go on as many vacations as you want until then. Congratulations!!
8 :
Assuming that your wife is healthy, flying should be no problem. Many flight attendants fly while pregnant ! You might want to be a little more cautious in the 9th month !
9 :
Its perfectly safe...its in the last trimester that you can't fly.
10 :
Yes she can travel unless the doctor told her she couldn't.
11 :
Its not safe at 8 months but up to that there is not a problem
12 :
Your wife should be fine as long as her pregnancy is progressing normally. When making your reservation, request an aisle seat so she can easily exit your row for bathroom and stretch breaks.

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