What are simple instructions for a FIRST time flyer?
I'm scared to death. I feel like I will go about it all wrong. What are some simple steps to making sure I don't miss my flight or check in point? Flight details Buffalo to LA, but there's a layover between (45 mins in OH) Please give me simple directions.
Other - Destinations - 4 Answers
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1 :
Since you are a nervous flyer, next time spend more money and only book nonstop flights, even if it requires driving to the next major city. Remember, flying is a heck of a lot safer than driving on icy Buffalo roads, very few planes have serious nincidents compare to the number of iles flown, and these planes are kept moving almost constantly. Commercial passenger aircraft are subject to the most rigourous inspection process you could imagine. They are maintained constantly. Remeber, if your flight is delayed, don't get upset. Just think about the fact that the airline has its mechanics all over that plane, keeping it in good working order. (the delay work may have been at another airport.) Aircraft make all sorts of weird noises. Don't flip out when you hear the wing flaps moving or wheels being lifted. Aircraft can take a tremendous beuffeting from turbulence. The wing won't fall off, but if you are not buckled in you can get seriously hurt from your head slamming into the ceiling. This is extremely rare, but if you keep your seatbelt on at all times you have no worries. lastly, have a double vodka martini
2 :
just stay where your gate is
3 :
Check with your airline to see when they recommend you show up at the airport. Well, you'll check in, either at a machine or with a person behind the counter. Even if you check in on a machine, a live person will come by to tag your luggage. Tell that person you are a first time flier. In some airports you then have to carry your checked luggage a short distance to the TSA guys for inspection. You can usually leave your luggage in front of their inspection machine, but I always try to ask first. I've linked to a site below that tells you what you need to leave at home to avoid hassles. If you must pack liquids or gels in your carry-on, use 3 oz. containers in a quart ziploc bag. Drink any sodas or water you may have brought in the airport with you, and go through security. You can take your empty bottle through security and fill up at a water fountain, or you can buy astonishingly expensive drinks on the other side of security in most airports. They'll need to see your boarding pass and your driver's license or passport, so keep those handy. You'll have to take off your shoes and take laptops or video cameras out of your carry on bags. There will be little "dog food dishes" for your watches, keys, change, etc., but you should really just put those in your carry-on to begin with. There will be plastic trays for your laptops and camera, belt, etc. You can lay your shoes and your bags directly on the belt that goes through the X-Ray machine. Make sure you have all of your pieces before you leave security. Some passengers are randomly selected for additional screening, usually a pat down and a wave of a metal detecting wand, or a visual search of your bag. Don't be rude to the security guys, or joke about a bomb. Remember: the TSA guy is always right. Your boarding pass will have a gate number printed on it. Make sure you are in the right terminal. Find your gate. There may be a lit-up sign that gives your flight number there. There will probably be a counter, people behind it, and a sign that tells you to check in, but most people don't. Once you know where your gate is, you can go take care of basic needs: food, water, restroom, reading material...Your flight will begin to board about half an hour before it takes off. The boarding time may also be listed on your ticket. The very old and the very young usually board first, followed by first-class and business-class passengers. After that, they usually call a group of seat numbers beginning with those in the back of the plane. You can tell the flight attendants when you board that you are a first-time flier. If you'll need something from your bag during your flight, stow it under the seat in front of yours. Otherwise, put it in the overhead bins. Sit down, fasten your seatbelt, and relax. The difficult part is over! You will need to have your tray table fastened up and the seat in the upright position for takeoff. That's the most fun part, so enjoy it!
4 :
Well, if you are flying for first time it is obvious to be nervous. But, don't be. Airliner Needs You! They won't take off with out you, if they do, next flight will be waiting for you! When you keep flying, you will get used to it and everything will just be fine ever after!
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