Need help deciding on a flight! Houston and Cleveland layovers??
I am trying to book a flight from Buffalo to Puerto Vallarta. I found two different ones in my price range... they both have two layovers. One flight has two 45 minute layovers and gets me in Puerto Vallarta at 1pm. The second flight has two 2 hour layovers and gets me in Puerto Vallarta at 5pm. I prefer the flight with the short layovers because I get to Puerto Vallarta earlier, but I don't want it to be too risky missing my connection. Especially since I don't want to be stuck at the airport for hours since flights to Puerto Vallarta are few and far between. The short layovers are in Cleveland and Houston. Is 45 minutes enough to maneuver between gates at those airports? The airline is Continental.Any advice is appreciated!!
Air Travel - 2 Answers
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1 :
I know you're eager to get to your destination as quickly as possible, but I'd go with the two 2-hour layovers. With two 45-minute layovers - even if your flights were on time - I highly doubt your baggage could make it to Puerto Vallarta when you do. They'd probably arrive a day or two later, simply because it's not likely that the baggage handlers will rush to ensure they get on your specific flights. No matter which flight plan you choose, pack some clothes and basic (travel-sized) toiletries in your carry on....just in case.
2 :
This past week I had a 42 minute layover and I made it on time. Also all my luggage made it with me. So if I were you I would take the 45 minute layovers. You would get there early meaning you would have more time to settle in. If you are worried about luggage and everything then take the 2 hour layover. Continental is good about getting your luggage to you. Have fun in Puerto Vallarta. Hope this helps
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