Information on being a flight attendent when you live in Buffalo, NY?
I live in Buffalo NY, I am 23 years old, and I have Great Customer Service Expierence. I would like to lok into being a Flight Attendent. I keep trying to research online but there isnt that much information out there. So maybe by chance I can find a real one on here. Ha Ha. problem is where I live i think, i dontt think anything is based out of Buffalo. And I dont want to move per say. Its hard to even know if airlines are even hiring, their websites neevr say if they are or not? Any information provided would be helpful....Thanx
Air Travel - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
submit an application to major airlines. maybe a waiting list if u r to be hired.
2 :
go a travel website for flight attendants go to the airline classified section and simply call some airlines at random good luck
3 :
Well it depends what Airlines you want to work for. If you want to work for American Airlines you could fly to Chicago and work there every day. OR you will have to move to a relocated area
4 :
You may want to visit a few major airlines websites. I work in crewmember services for Comair Airlines, our website has an Employment Opportunities section. BUF is a smaller airport so you won't find any airlines based out of there but you could always consider commuting from BUF to say JFK. We have a base in JFK and a few flights that you could commute on to JFK. Our home base is in CVG (Cincinnati) so we are always looking for FA's for the JFK area. Just some food for thought. Good luck, you can email me if you would like to talk or even need more information.
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