Where can I find flight information that isn't complete nonsense?
According to priceline.com, to get a one-way economy flight from Cleveland, OH to San Francisco, CA non-stop is at least $609. However, there are flights available which DO have a few stops along the way, and they are MUCH cheaper. But for some reason, EVERY site I go to gives me schedule information that does not make sense. When I found out that just by allowing one stop I could cut the price in half, I went for it. So I found flights that had one stop and they were priced between $295-$360 or so, which made me very very happy. However, as SOON as a select a flight that includes a stop, the website (which I THOUGHT would be a lot more professional, either the website people or the airlines that supply the information), the website confuses the two "segments" of the flight with the entire flight. For instance, it will tell me that getting from Cleveland to San Francisco takes 3 hours, when it MEANS that getting from Cleveland to CHICAGO is 3 hours. Another schedule claims that the plane departs Cleveland, OH at 6:00 a.m., and arrives in Chicago, Il at 6:17 a.m. which is moronic because it ALSO claims that it is a "1h 17m" flight. Do these *********s mean FIVE o'clock a.m. to 6:17? Or do they mean to say SIX o'clock a.m. to 7:17? Because ONE of those was a typo. I can't believe that webmasters and airline professionals who get paid billions of dollars get an hour and 17 minutes confused with 17 minutes. I would be more understanding if this had just occured on one website. However, there was another website I went to a couple of weeks ago where I remember a similar problem occuring. Also, I should mention that I went to Priceline.com a week ago and I tried the same thing looking for flights from Buffalo, NY to San Francisco and Cleveland, OH to Oakland. All 12 of those flights had the same errors, repeatedly. So this is not a minor glitch that they're working on, so much as priceline.com has been 100% non functional for entire weeks. Apparently so did one other site that I tried. Any good airline sites where they give accurate schedule information? Can I call the airline company and check what I read online? Is there ANY website that actually TRIES/has a better source of information (in case it isn't price line's fault after all)? Or do I just HAVE to call them by phone to get anything done?
Aircraft - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
HINT.... google "time zones" Airline schedules are printed in LOCAL times. SUGGESTION - dial back on the caffeine.
2 :
There's these things called "time zones" because the earth rotates on it's axis. YGBSM!
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