Monday, June 14, 2010

What are the procedures/legalities involved for a Canadian driving to a US city for a US-city bound flight

What are the procedures/legalities involved for a Canadian driving to a US city for a US-city bound flight?
Generally speaking, I am aware that is is cheaper to fly from a US city to a US city than from a Canadian city to a US city. For instance, it woudl be cheaper to fly from Buffalo to Las Vegas than from Toronto to Las Vegas. Are there any legalities involved with this transaction? If I am driving a few people, dropping them off at Buffalo and then driving back across the border, do I have to fill out any special forms at the US border crossing? Will I be suspected of transporting illegal immigrants if I let the border guards know that the passengers in my car will be flying to another US destination and will not be returning with me? Also, when coming back to Canada, will the CBSA give me a hard time in both coming back without the passengers and then coming back with them after they arrive back at their original US city?
Other - Canada - 1 Answers
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Flying out of Buffalo to ANY USA city will always be cheaper than flying out of Toronto because it is considered a domestic flight as opposed to an international flight. Lots of people do this all the time! Just make sure that you and the travellers have all of their important paperwork (photo id, passports, plane tickets, etc.). Just tell the border officials exactly what you are doing. It happens all the time! Just be honest. They track your car via your license plate when you enter and exit the Country.

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