Monday, June 14, 2010

What would be an option to stem the flow of Rural Flight from the Great Plains

What would be an option to stem the flow of Rural Flight from the Great Plains?
The Great Plains states have seen rapid numbers of youth leaving the rural areas for the cities and especially the western high plains. Many towns are disappearing and what could be considered a culture is dying. What could be done to vitalize this area considering tourism, ranching, the idea of the Buffalo Commons or other ideas? Serious, non-childish answers please.
Other - United States - 1 Answers
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This brings to light an interesting predicament. Larger cities and metro areas have so high of a cost of living that people working there can not afford to live there. Rural areas where they could afford donĂ¢€™t hold the jobs with the wages or the allure to keep them. Sounds like some sort of a work program might be in order. I once meet an Electrical Engineer on a plane from San Jose to Salt Lake. He was an EE 4x12 in the SF bay area then kept up the family cattle ranch the other 3 days a week. I think if more people could do something like that, the tide might turn. Folks in the SF bay area are paying top dollar for housing. If they just knew that they could raise a family in a small town in the Great Plains, make a decent living wage, and spend weekends away from the rat race. The other option is to attract telecommuters. The idea is not new. But in large parts of the country a person who works from home is viewed with suspicion or as somewhat of a leech on society. We need to change that attitude. Bring distance learning to the schools and distant teachers originating from rural locations rather than just the big cities. OK so much for my soap box.

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